Saturday, May 9, 2009

I think I can be a GREAT politician !

Ok few days ago crap stuff happened in Perak, I mean really crappy stuff because you see Perak not only offers delicious 'nga choi kai' or pomeloes or 'kai chai peng' or dim sum , Perak also offers alot of hot looking and pretty girls, my trips to Perak are always EYE-opening if you know what I mean..hehehe.. I think most of you would agree with me..

To cut the story short, is really 1BAD MALAYSIA day for not only MALAYSIAN but all the countries in the world who practise Democracy, Democracy is an easy thing to say but in reality is a hard thing to really do it, is like a Pregnant woman claiming herself to be a virgin or course the exception goes to Virgin Mary, the Biological mum of Jesus.

Here is clip recorded by MalaysiaKini that I think every single person who are still breathing MUST see it !!! ( u can forward the video to EVERYONE using this link )

I will try to go part by part of the video to describe the situation in my own awesomeness words.

Time frame : 0.00 till 0.52
This part alot of noises but nothing really important except the word "Pecat" and hoo-haa by I assume is the BN MPs and later on our beloved Speaker Siva said "Saya adalah speaker yang sah"
MY POV : Dont you think BN MP have such a cool job ? they can simply sack their manager
(Speaker Siva) by saying PECAT and then hoo-haa. Now my friends who are working, why dont you team up with your colleagues and go to your manager and say " You are FIRED !" and then make some noise, what do you think will happen to all of you ? Yes u guess it right, you will be the Manager and the previous manager will be sacked IF and ONLY IF you work as BN MPs

Time frame : 0.53 till 1.43
The only interesting part is the money throwing part and some guy saying "Tan Qian" which is not someone names but means greedy or like money. Hee later said that is only RM1 thats been throw at her and not RM50 as claimed and she even said MP Yew is cheapsake cause if it is RM50 she can give it away.
MY POV : My my you can give RM50 away but you cant give RM1 away ? i wonder who is really cheapsake, no charity or donations is too small my honourable Hee, maybe is because you are feeling guilty and you need to give more donations out just to get few seconds of sleep at night. I mean what is RM50 to you compared to the RM 25 millions you get behind all yours voters back. Now with RM 25 millions you not only can buy a CAMRY and hire a driver, you can also build Transformer version of Camry, what should we call her huh ? KIAMSI ? and then you can hire Jason Statham or Vin Diesel as your driver, if you want to transport your RM 25 millions you can ask Jason if you need someone to drive you and carry you around, Vin Diesel is just a call away. Although you cant hire them for long since you only have RM25 millions but what the heck right ?

Time Frame :1.44 till 2.46
When the FAKE Speaker(Ganeson) trying to talk those ppl around him goes "wooohhhhhhh" and the "Hoo rah, hoo rah , hoo rah " , those moments really sweet and reminds me of my school life.
MY POV : Come on when you are fake you dont act like you are genuine, you think you wanna push up price and sell arh ? Like those pimp on the street offering you sex with a virgin , you will never take it because THEY are fake but some idiots will take it and really thinks that they are having sex with a VIRGIN, how idiotic that can be.

Time Frame : 2.47 till 6.12
This part is the best ,is like watching the movie 300, you can see that an army of SPARTANS are surrounding the KING LEONIDAS (Speaker Siva) in order to protect him from the army of the GAY PERSIAN KING XERXES, even though they failed and lose at the Dewan doesnt mean Sparta will lose to GAY KING in the end, in fact in real history , Sparta manage to defend their homeland thanks to the effort of the 300 SPARTANS.
MY POV : This part and the movie 300 is totally similar because in both cases King Leonidas are betrayed by HANDICAP and GREEDY and SELFISH spartan who turned their back on their cause and everything their believe in at the beginning just for some mere wealth and sexual services. I mean come on, is that all you really worth ? eventhough you are HANDICAP and GREEDY and SELFISH i m sure you are worth more than that but you prove all of us wrong. Never look down on handicap and never ever look down on women. SO REMEMBER never ever ever ever look down on HANDICAP WOMAN, you might not know what they are capable of.

Time Frame : 6.13 till 8.14
Alot of roughing here and there, something like those moments you see in WWE or any wrestling movie but all kinda lousy in their acting,i m sure GOH JIN WEI and JEREMY ANTHONY can act much better in those kind of situation. You also can hear alot of ppl saying "tak ada pas", "mana pas dia" and "tangkap dia"
MY POV : Nothing much to say about this but the acting not realistic and if not enough PASS ask your boss to write in a paper something like this " Saya Lim Kok Seng membenarkan pelajar bernama Teh See Khoon untuk pergi ke tandas pada pukul 1010 hingga 1040" you see so easy and simple even school teacher know how to do it. To those ppl wondering why See Khoon needs to go toilet for so long is because he likes to hide in Women's toilet. If tak ada pas meet those normal prefect nevermindla but if met The Undertaker then you know. What to do the "ching cah" there only normal mia.

Time Frame : 8.15 till the end
You can see those PERSIAN celebrating their small victory at the alley, they still dont know what is really waiting for them. You can see also all those mess and broken flower pots and spoilts microphones too.
Just a pop quiz , Who do you think will pay for all the damages done in the dewan ?
A. Saya (refering to the taxpayer)
B. Limpeh (refering to the taxpayer)
C. Me (refering to the taxpayer)
D. Definately not the taxpayer, version Xaverians when trying to point finger

Anyway if this is hows politics and politicians works that HELL YEA i m definately a GREAT politician because i m loud and rough enough, anyone doesnt agree can try me !

Here are some other relevant and interesting videos on that event, you can see for yourself how bias the Malaysia main stream media is.

I hope everyone have a nice day after reading all this awesomeness of my entry. ( Ps. The darker speaker is SPEAKER SIVA(King Leonidas) while the 1 self appoint is GANESON, dont get confused)



At May 9, 2009 at 5:21 PM , Blogger cesckun said...

Nice post up on the recent politcal uprift.
You did a great job man. Evaluate the matters by adopting the movies and what happens in your surrounding. You make it more interesting for those that ignore about politics.

My POV: We cannot blame solely on the BN. It is the people in Malaysia that we should blame. May be is time to have a subject solely on democracy for the younger generation istead of moral.

Lastly Saw< thx for promoting my name so many times. I dont expect to see my name to appear so often and not in such topic too. When did i take pass from Lim Kok Seng to hide in girls toilet. I go without pass k!

At May 9, 2009 at 6:06 PM , Blogger sir Simply saw {sSs} said...

Hopefully I m not too offensive in my

At May 9, 2009 at 9:26 PM , Blogger Winson said...

that's a great post...
i loved it so much..


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